mindwars link: https://archive.org/stream/pdfy-Mv-q4qGq8_TBPcwL/Michael+Aquino+%28US+Satanist%29+-+From+PSYOP+to+MindWar+-+The+Psychology+of+Victory+%281980%29_djvu.txt
In Nov 2016 we had the steve P. admitted “intelligence operation” clips released via Alex Jones and Infowars. Then the Podesta Wikileaks Assange “data dump”…
please watch the link. Steve P. Created EVERY ELEMENT OF PIZZAGATE. The NYC Police the FBI the indictments and arrests…etc. ALL OF IT.
Then we have in 2018, roger stone, who created this info with Steve P., Stating there never was any plan or indictments. Thus there never was pizzagate in the way we were all duped into assuming. So Isaac Kappy and Roger Stone July 2018, full circle, Roger Stone says everything used to create pizzagate, never was. It never was true.
roger stone begins to state how sessions never had any sealed indictments and there was never any plan.
Watch the clips. See for yourself. Verify the history.
What we have here is their admittance they will concoct whatever they so please, promote is as truth, use it for years, and continue to do so even when admitting the entire thing was a farce to begin with.
What roger stone has unwittingly done is expose himself, Steve p and Alex Jones for the intelligence operation they are.
See “Psyop to Mindwars: Path to Psychological Victory” written in 1979.
Make info KNOWN. This is undeniable proof the system is using massive deception upon us all.
Isaac Kappy- blatant mindwars operation (SEE INFO/NEW CLIPS:INFOWARS OFFICIALLY EXPOSED…new clips)